How To Control Your Camera

How To Control Your Camera Using The Zendesk Desktop Software. 

Step 1: Please log into your Zencam Desktop application. 


Step 2: Please hover your mouse pointer over the desired camera you wish to access. You will notice 2.PNG icon and a 3.PNG icon as well. Please select the 4.PNG icon to access your camera feed. 


Step 3: Once the 6.PNG is selected you will notice your live feed will then begin to start playing. In this menu, on the bottom center banner you will notice a list of controls. 


8.PNG Snapshot: Click this button to take a screenshot of the live feed. The picture will be saved by default to the PC Files folder.

9.PNG Manual Record: Click this button to manually record live video. The video will be saved by default to the PC Files folder.

10.PNG Mic: Click this button to control the microphone settings on your camera.

11.PNG Speaker: Click this button to control the speaker volume on your camera. 

12.PNG SD: Click this button to switch from high-definition video, to standard definition video. 

13.PNG PTZ: Click this button to control the camera's built in Pan/Tilt/Zoom functionality. 

                 Note: PTZ will only be available with the M1 and M2 series cameras. 

14.PNG Multi View Modes: Click on either selection to view a single channel feed or multiple channel feeds. This option allows you to view up to 16 different camera feeds simultaneously.

15.PNG Full-Screen: Click this button to enable full screen on a selected camera feed. 

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