Unable to Get an SSID?

Unable to Get an SSID?

If you are having issues obtaining an SSID when adding your device into the Zencam app there may be a miscommunication happening between the app and your mobile device. This appears to be a more common situation among iOS users and we are currently working with Apple to device a solution. There is an easy fix you can use to resolve the issue. For more information on how to resolve this issue, please refer to the information provided below. 

If the SSID for your Wi-Fi network is not pulling up in the app when attempting to add your device, close the app completely then power your mobile device off and back on again allowing it to restart.

Once your mobile device has finished restarting, ensure your mobile device is connected to the proper Wi-Fi network, open the Zencam app and continue to add your device as normal. The SSID for your network should populate allowing you to complete the setup process. For more information on how to properly add your device please refer to the included quick start guide provided with your device. 

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1 comment
  • Got a new phone and now can no longer log into the app. I keep getting network error.

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