How To Setup On VLC Media Player Using RTSP (M1)

How To Setup On VLC Media Player Using RTSP (M1)

For more information how to setup your device on VLC Media Player using RTSP, please refer to the information provided below. Please note, the instructions provided in this article are for streaming purposes only. For playback and save options, please refer to a VLC guide.

Before proceeding, please ensure the device is properly connected to the Zencam Security app and the computer is on the same network as the device. For information on how to setup your device on the Zencam Security app, please refer to the quick start guide provided with your device. 

For more information on how to stream your device using RTSP on VLC, please refer to the information provided below.

Step 1: Open the Zencam Security app and select your device. On the live view interface, click the settings icon. 


Step 2: Tap on Device Information and locate the IP Address for your camera. 


Please note, the IP address represented in the image above is for reference purposes only. The IP address will be different on your device. 

Step 3: Go to your computer and launch the VLC media player.


Step 3: In the toolbar, click on Media, then click on Open Network Stream to display the open source window. 


Note: The open network stream menu can also be opened by pressing Ctrl-N while the VLC player is opened. 

Step 4: Enter rtsp:// and the IP address of your device in the URL bar and click Play.


Step 5: Enter the username and password for your device in the RTSP authentication interface and click OK.


You can now begin streaming your camera live.  


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